Thursday, January 23, 2014

1/23 Report & Attendance

Folks worked independently and promised to blog about what they doing/working on...
Kari, Brandon, Brianne, Nate, and Miriam checked in.  Look for their posts in the future!

I worked on planning to more consciously use my question stems, which I have never actually required students to use, and I also hope that we can have discussions in English 12 in the near future about my "Think About It Thursday" blog post about the Duluth lynchings...I also worked on preparing a Flipgrid question related to The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien for one section of English 12.  I haven't used Flipgrid in a while, and the kids and I enjoy it, so it will be good to get back to it.

1 comment:

  1. Flipgrid just sent me an e-mail that my 30-day trial period is up and that I am welcome to subscribe. The most basic subscription is $65.
    My students and I like Flipgrid a lot, yet I am exploring Audacity and other programs to be able to have them record more extended conversations and presentations. Therefore, I am holding off on purchasing Flipgrid (I also used much of my budget money;)
    I think it would be good of we kept each other posted in case we decide to subscribe. That way, not too many teachers use Flipgrid and it remains interesting and a "novelty" for the kids.
