Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Final Post: Fishbowls & Skype Sessions

So, the rest of my group abandoned me…I've been continuing to work on the Fishbowl Discussion technique I've described in previous posts, and I've written some posts about it on my own blog.

You can read about the technique here.

You can then read about how I put it to use in a somewhat different way here where I describe how our Skype sessions with Molly (Richards) Smith went. And, if you're interested, the videos of the Skype sessions are here. (Thanks to Matt W for uploading them to YouTube.)

I look forward to using this technique more next year…I plan to film a discussion or two next year, so other folks can see how it works...I'd also be happy to invite folks in to observe, if they wish.

I'm still not sure what I'm really supposed to do in this series of blog-posts, but I hope this serves the intended purpose somehow...

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