Missing: Brandon (home sick).
We discussed Susan's circle discussion rules, and talked about how in language classes, discussions is challenging because of the low-level language skills. We also discussed having students write first before discussion starts.
Brief recaps of conversation points, which group members will describe in a bit more detail in upcoming posts:
- To avoid repetition, John assigns certain students to be the devil's advocate; he also uses extreme/provocative conversation starters.
- Kari often has students alternate between French & English, at pre-arranged timed intervals.
- Brianne, in her primary source discussions, has students mark up the document before class, and then uses a modified fishbowl discussion technique, with the audience tracking the facts used in the discussion or recording their responses to their facts.
- Kari also uses her "talking dice" on the smartboard (they provide topics, time limits, & required verb tenses), and she arranges the discussion like "speed dating," with students in pairs, and they switch partners at timed intervals.
- Miriam also uses a modified fishbowl discussion technique, with the audience watching(and doing something else--not sure?) an assigned partner as he/she talks, with helpful phrases available to speakers in the circle.
- John does an exercise that is half-presentation/half-discussion on assigned topics in which students are graded on how well they respond to peer-questions about their topics.
- Several folks use Flipgrid...
Our plans for the next meeting on Jan. 9: We will read and comment on other groups' blog posts before 1/9; we will write up descriptions of our favorite techniques during our meeting on the 9th & briefly discuss our plans for upcoming weeks...Those who need help with using Blogger can see Susan and John for help...
Made it, just running a little behind.